
Get to know ElecZap and see what it can do for you and your company

How to make a purchase order on ElecZap

In this tutorial you will see how to search and compare products, create different projects and save selected products to the projects. Also, how to combine purchasing from different suppliers, send inquiries, attach documents and finally comfortably make orders.

Multiple suppliers functionality

ElecZap allows you to communicate with all your contractual suppliers conveniently on one platform. This tutorial shows how to make the best of this function and fill all your necessary orders for your different projects with ease.

With ElecZap you will:

save money from implementing your own online store
save time on back and forth communications
have easy bookkeeping with integrations
have transparent history of transactions
have more returning customers
get done more deals in less time

© 2022 ElecZap

Euroopa Liit Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond, Eesti tuleviku heaks, EAS Enterprise Estonia